Teplyakov Mikhail

Teplyakov Mikhail

"I started dancing at age six in HC" Vyborgskiy", then moved to the . Zhdanov Palace of Pioneers.

After 10th grade I dance in dance ensemble under the direction of V.F. Nosihina.

After serving in the Army in 1989,  I worked in the theater-studio "Planeta", and since 1993 was dancing in  ensemble "Terem".

From 1996 to 2012  worked in the dance ensemble "Stars of St. Petersburg."

From May 2012 to present , I am a ballet dancer of A. Mukienko Cossacks ensemble».

During the dance activity went on tours around the world: Japan, Germany, Brazil, Greece, Finland, Italy, etc. "

Welcome to cooperation!

The ensemble regularly participates in large concert programs municipal level. Is also a frequent guest on corporate parties and celebrations. Program and the number of artists is discussed in advance with the customer.
We will be glad to cooperate!
+7 (812) 965-21-69, +7 (921) 898-45-01

or we will call you back yourself:
request a call back!

Our artists:

  • Разумовский Алексей
  • Латыпов Азамат
  • Орлов Сергей
  • Орлова Алиса
  • Рассадникова Наталия
  • Баярунас Ярослав
  • Мультановский Сергей
  • Чугунов Алексей
  • Курнин Дмитрий
  • Солодовников Сергей