Зажигательное шоу казаков
Ансамбль казаков
Казачьи песни и танцы
Юбилейный концерт

We are happy to announce the long-expected event!

  • The Cossack song and dance ensemble under direction of Alexander Mukienko
  • Gorkogo Theatre
  • 23 May 2018
  • Start at 19 p.m.

Alexander Mukienko is an hereditary Cossack, an honored art worker of Ukraine. He keeps the traditions of free folk of Don and Kuban, saves and spreads Cossack folklore heritage. For his contribution to the preservation and development of Cossack culture he was rewarded with the second and third degree order of merit for the Cossacks.

Founded in 1995, the first Saint Petersburg Cossack song and dance ensemble under direction of Alexander Mukienko charmed the admirerers of national art in Russia and abroad. The artistic group travelled a lot around the world - from Japan to Latin America, performing familiar and beloved by many spectators songs and dance. Repertoir of the ensemble consists of bright examples of folk art: sonorous and euphonious Cossack songs, melodies and tunes, dashing ritual and festive dance. The whole concert is accompanied by a live orchestra of national instruments.

Special guests of the night:
Viktor Krivonos - Soviet and Russian singer, theater and film actor, People's Artist of the Russian Federation, Honored Artist of RSFSR. Performer of the role of Silvio in the film "Truffaldino from Bergamo". Winner of the national theatre award "Golden Mask" for the role of Apollo Ableukhov in the mystery "Bely. Petersburg", and others.

Rostislav Kolpakov - Russian singer, actor of musical theatre. Laureate of Russian and International vocal competitions. Performer of leading roles in musicals "Dance of the Vampires", "The Count of Monte Cristo", "Jekill & Hyde", "Aladdin", and others.

Yaroslav Bayarunas - grandson of Alexander Mukienko, Russian singer, actor of musical theatre. Performer of the roles of Jesus Christ, Apostle Peter, king Herod in Andrew Lloyd Webber's rock opera "Jesus Christ Superstar", artist of the musical "Jekill & Hyde", vocalist of Ilia Averbukh's ice show "The Nutcracker and the Mouse King", and others.

Dance ensemble "Podsolnyshki", St. Petersburg GBU PMC "Kirovsky", PMK "Scarlet Sails" - laureate and annual winner of the Grand Prix of the city youth clubs festival "Smiles of Spring", laureate of Russian and International competitions.

We are looking forward to seeing you!

Организация праздников

Ансамбль казаков

Выступление ансамбля песни и пляски казаков на днях рождения, юбилеях, корпоративах, свадьбах, городских мероприятиях.

Проведение свадеб

Исполнение традиционных казачьих песен и танцев под аккомпанемент оркестра народных инструментов.

Проведение праздников

Организация и проведение корпоративных мероприятий, свадеб, юбилеев, городских праздников.

Ансамбль песни и танца казаков

Ensemble  is renowned around the world, from Latin America to Japan. Its award list consists of many impressive rewards.  

First St. Petersburg , Cossack’s vocal and dance ensemble was founded in 1995 by Honored Artist of Ukraine, hereditary Cossack  - Alexander Nikolaevic Mukienko ( транслит)

Nowadays ensemble is the striking example of Cossacks culture representation in the region.

Whole this performance focused on demonstration of Cossacks frantic temperament, honor and the same time  - humor. As a result of it, the audience accompanies every composition with the crying out « Bravo»

The distinguishing features of ensemble are – theatrical pictures of Cossacks life, where audience can be absorbed in the spirit of  glaring holidays, performance with: bright suits, embroidered sundresses, « papakhas», romping dances, unthinkable pranking,  coups and other elements of Cossack prowess.

Chest-singing of our singers is well-hear in any part of music hall, in addition - extraordinary courage and powerful energy of the dancers, with our orchestra accompaniment…

All these years the ensemble successfully acts as at home in Russia,  as on international venues, around world.

During the years of ensemble existence our team grew, gained strength, power and with confident pace continues to develop our creative pot.

Welcome to cooperation!

The ensemble regularly participates in large concert programs municipal level. Is also a frequent guest on corporate parties and celebrations. Program and the number of artists is discussed in advance with the customer.
We will be glad to cooperate!
+7 (812) 965-21-69, +7 (921) 898-45-01

or we will call you back yourself:
request a call back!

Шоу на праздник

Выступление казачьего хора

Хоровое исполнение традиционных казачьих песен Дона, Запорожья, Кубани на концертах и праздниках.

Казачий танец

Зажигательное сольное и коллективное исполнение народных казачьих плясок разных жанров

Народный оркестр

Исполнение мелодий, песен и мотивов казаков Дона и Кубани составом оркестра русских народных инструментов.

Our artists:

  • Курнин Дмитрий
  • Тепляков Михаил
  • Рассадникова Наталия
  • Латыпов Азамат
  • Удалова Ксения
  • Баярунас Ярослав
  • Иванов Дмитрий
  • Гафарова Ольга
  • Разумовский Алексей
  • Орлов Сергей